Some are of auspicious origin
from families steeped in infinite wealth.
My birth offered no promise of inheritance
to anything but obligation.
I'll take it.
Some grow to be powerful -
their influence reaching like octopus arms.
I have control over nothing but myself
and even that's limited.
I'm okay with it.
Some are so beautiful it hurts
and so talented they take my breath away.
I am plump and pedestrian
and averagely plain.
I revel in it.
Some would look at my life;
completely overlook my many blessings,
scorn my everyday pleasures,
and disdain my mediocrity.
I'm sorry for them.
I know my fortune lies in the awareness -
in the wonder and marvel at how truly fortunate I am -
in the deep appreciation I feel
for the gift of
each. miraculous. moment.
I choose my own, beautiful reality.
Some want only what they don't have
and don't value what they
do have.
I know I've been given everything I need and more.
Of all the luck...
I'll take mine.